700 Common Word Reading and Dictation Exercise no. 2

700 Common Word Reading and Dictation Exercise no. 2
“Words, words, words,” said a character in a well-known play. So much was said, so little done. In a way, our life is made is made up of words. It is through words that we give expression to our ideas and through words that we can keep in touch with other people. We may write the words for others to read or we may speak the words for others to hear, but in either case it is through words that we have been able to pass on to others the thoughts that are in our minds. Are words quite necessary to a highly developed state of thought? Are they necessary for the development of man to a state of increased knowledge and comfort? Can we, indeed, thin without words? Much has been said and written on this last point, and some writers are quick to point out that we can think in pictures without the use of words. Others believe that our thoughts are dependent upon words that we do not think of the thing itself but of the words representing the thing. Certainly, if we stop at any moment and ask: W…

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A common human

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