700 Common Word Reading and Dictation Exercise no. 1

700 Common Word Reading and Dictation Exercise no. 1
The young man and the young woman looked even younger than their years as they left offices of Country Properties, Limited, with a few “Orders to View” in their hands. They were indeed two young people, very much in love and recently married, and they were looking for a house. They had been married for just six months, and when they got married on that cold December day they had believed that they would soon find a place to let, and it did not seem necessary to wait for that happy day before setting up home together. So they had gone to live with his mother, having only one room of their own and they had been very, very happy. It was an old house, however, with no modern changes. It was in a street lined on both sides with old houses just like it, and when April had come and the days grew longer the young married people all at once began to long for a little house of their own, with their own things in the rooms, with a little land at the back and in the front where they could plant t…

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A common human

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