700 Common Word Reading and Dictation Exercise no. 5

700 Common Word Reading and Dictation Exercise no. 5
It seems to me that there are three principal ways in which we can learn to do things or to understand things looking reading, or hearing. We can watch things done by other people, and copy their movements and actions. This is the way in we learn when we are very young. Babies, and all young animals, of course, are very quick to copy the acts of their mothers, and in this way they learn a very great amount in a remarkable short time. We continue throughout our lives to learn in this ways and then making some attempt to carry out like acts ourselves. When we grow up, however, we are able to make observations within much wider limits, and we are free to learn great numbers of things simply by watching. Not only can we see the life going on round about us, but we have also brought right into the home the moving picture and the TV set. There is, perhaps, no more interesting and successful method of learning about other countries than to watch moving pictures that have been taken in those …

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A common human

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