700 Common Word Reading and Dictation Exercise no. 15

700 Common Word Reading and Dictation Exercise no. 15
We often hear it said of a man that he had had a long life or that his life had been cut short”. What do we really mean when we use the expressions long life and short life? In relations to what is the life of a particular man long or short? We are, of course, measuring the life of the man in relation to the number of years which men in the mass can reasonably expect to live. When we speak of the life of one man in relation to the life of most men we can with some degree of truth say that it was a long life. But can we use such an expression if we think of the life of one man in relation to the time during which man has lived on earth, and further, can we use such an expression regarding the life of man on earth if we think of it in relation to the time during which the earth itself has been in existence and in relation to the time during which the earth is likely to continue in existence? The life of one man and the life of man as a whole are short beyond statement when considered in…

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A common human

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