700 Common Word Reading and Dictation Exercise no. 18

700 Common Word Reading and Dictation Exercise no. 18
This is the story which my friend sometimes tells on a long summer evening, as we sit together by the open window, finding pleasure in the sweet clear air after the still heat of the day. In those days I was an even better walker than I am today, and as you know I still very much like a good, quick walk. Well, on that particular August morning I set out quite early, before the day was too warm for easy walking. I carried with me enough food to meet my small needs and was therefore able to keep away from towns of any kind. I was healthy in the way that the young are healthy, and I walked with quick easy steps, covering the first eight miles of the road in just under two hours. But with the increasing warmth of the day I found that I was doing very little more than two and a half miles an hour. Even the small additional weight of the food I was carrying troubled me, and as it was by this time several hours since my last meal it seemed reasonable that I should look out for a place where …

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A common human

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