700 Common Word Reading and Dictation Exercise no. 20

700 Common Word Reading and Dictation Exercise no. 20
The woman sat at the open window and looked out upon the peaceful and well-known scene. It was June and the countryside was looking its best. The leaves were fully out but had not yet lost the sweet light colours of the early summer months. The scene was indeed beautiful because of its lovely colours, for the form of the land itself was rather without interest. There were no highlands and no lowlands to break up the great plain which went on and on for many miles. The place was dependent upon the little things to make it interesting and pleasing to the eye, having no great land masses to hold the eye and the attention. All those little details were well-known to the woman who watched from her window on that June day. She knew just how much growth had been added to the plants under her window since June had last come and gone; she knew just what would appear from each part of the ground round the house, when to expect it, and how to care for it. Her knowledge of the countryside and of …

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A common human

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