700 Common Word Reading and Dictation Exercise no. 22

700 Common Word Reading and Dictation Exercise no. 22
I happened yesterday to hear on the radio the question: If you could be some other person who would you want to be? And the answer was: Myself. At this the first man asked again: Why, what is so wonderful about being you? And this time the answer was: There is nothing so wonderful about it but it is very comfortable. All this was not, of course, meant to be taken seriously, but I could not help thinking that really it is comfortable to be just ourselves even though it is not particularly wonderful. The question who would you like to be? Is not a new once, and I am sure all of us have played at time with the idea of being some other person. If we are girls or women we think at first, perhaps, that it would be lovely to be a very, very beautiful person. Then we think that perhaps it would be still better to have masses and masses of money so that we could buy whatever we desired at the moment we desired it. We might perhaps think that it would be wonderful to be able to marry the most g…

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A common human

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