700 Common Word Reading and Dictation Exercise no. 6

700 Common Word Reading and Dictation Exercise no. 6
May walked with long and quick steps as she went down the short road that led to the sea. Ever since she had spent a week with some relations who lived by the sea in the lovely summer month of June she had lived for the day when she could return. How she had loved the little fishing town and the beautiful blue sea during that week in June! How peaceful it had seemed to her after the cares of city life! The sea to the limits of the eye had been deep blue, and the water met the land with such a peaceful touch that one hardly heard its sound. The ships at rest a little way out seemed not to move, and the white sails of the little ones nearer to the land were still. And that was her memory of it all. Stillness and peace, blue and white. May remembered also the houses of the people who lived there. They were little houses so near together that they seemed in places almost to touch one another. Surely, a hand held out from one of those small upper windows could meet the hand held out from t…

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A common human

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