700 Common Word Reading and Dictation Exercise no. 24

700 Common Word Reading and Dictation Exercise no. 24
Paper itself has come to us from the Far East where it was first used, but the word paper has come down to us from the Near East and different forms of the word are found in several languages. Paper is certainly one of the most common things in the modern world. Every day masses of it are used: very day masses of it are burnt: and every day masses more of it are made and supplied to the waiting people of the world. People always want paper and the manufacturer of it need not fear that the demand for his product will fall off. Without paper our modern life would, at least for a time, come to a complete stop. It is indeed very much to be questioned whether our modern life could ever have come about had there been no paper or time other product of a like nature which was cheap, lasting, and serviceable. Without paper we could not write letters to one another. Millions of letters are written every day, some very important and some of little importance, and they are all written on paper. B…

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A common human

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