700 Common Word Reading and Dictation Exercise no. 27

700 Common Word Reading and Dictation Exercise no. 27
Time, as we have remarked before, is the most valuable thing that we have to spend. We can use our time or we can waste it, just as we can use of waste our money. There is one very important difference between time and money, however. All the people who are reading these words won different amounts of money no two people, in all probability, would be found to have just the same sum, down to the last penny, if all the money to which they had a right were put down on the table. But everyone has the same amount of time. We all have our 24 hours each day, and for every one of us the hour will supply just sixty minutes of time, no more and no less. The minute will give us sixty seconds, no more and no less. The minute will give us sixty seconds, no more and no less and there is nothing whatever that we can do about it, try as we may. Sometimes we long to make time pass more quickly because we are waiting for something wonderful to happen, and sometimes we long to make the time pass less qu…

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A common human

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