700 Common Word Reading and Dictation Exercise no. 29

700 Common Word Reading and Dictation Exercise no. 29
Today we have so many different means of getting comfortably and quickly from one place to another that we perhaps do not value some of these means as much as we ought. In the early days of man’s development, he had to walk or to run if he desired to get from one to another. Then, after many years, he discovered that he could sit on the back of an animal if he moved on land, and in this way he sat at east while the animal laboured for him. The animal used naturally differed in different countries. A very important development came when men discovered that they could move across water. The object that carried them over the water in those far-off days could not be called a ship as we understand that word today. Poor as the methods may have been, however, they did let men reach place that would be otherwise cut off by water. For thousands of years there was no development beyond this. There existed no quick means of movement. Life was simple and hard. But thins do not stand still. We mus…

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A common human

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