700 Common Word Reading and Dictation Exercise no. 30

700 Common Word Reading and Dictation Exercise no. 30
Sometimes it seems that the more we know and the more we learn, the less remarkable we consider our learning and our knowledge to be. When other people can do something that we ourselves cannot do we think that they must be of much more worth than we ourselves are. Yet, as soon as we can do that same thing we think nothing of it, and begin to look round for something new to learn or to do. It even seems that we act in this same way in our thoughts about the new goods and the new machines that are so often and so readily put before us in these days. It is, perhaps, difficult to continue to find each new thing so very remarkable when new and better things follow one another at such a great rate. We still find ourselves greatly interested, however, when something quite new comes along. The first plane to fly over water looks a very poor thing if we see it now, but it certainly caused more talk and general interest than the largest and most modern plane causes today, let it have four engi…

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A common human

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