700 Common Word Reading and Dictation Exercise no. 11

700 Common Word Reading and Dictation Exercise no. 11
From the lives of great men we learn many things, much that is of value to us in our own lives. Not the least important thing, perhaps, which the life of almost any great teaches us is that we have time to do those things which we would do if only we had the time: as old people we look back upon lost opportunities and wish that we had had the time to follow this course of action, that line of training. But again and again, as we read the stories of the lives of those who have done great things, of those whose names will be forever remembered, the knowledge is forced upon us that our trouble is not that we have too little time but we have too little desire. Our desire to move in a certain direction is not strong enough to influence us to take the necessary steps, to use for that purpose the hours which are being spent in other and possibly less profitable ways. If the desire to act and the will to work are there, then we shall find both the time and the opportunity. These thoughts come…

About the author

A common human

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